Ideas come from differences.
Or Nature composing
multiple dimensions of
fuzzy space-time.
Sensibility seams a mean
dimension vibrating
strings in all directions
forming an imagined
knot or not-
Universal topology evolving
ropes replace particles
becoming wavelengths
stringing calculated stains
spreading out torquing
shapes of space twisting
lived time inside unbreaking
something evolving
the subtle elegance of
The uniform point
first one way then another
this situation into that
situation marking time
tuning to different keys yet
missing something…
reduced to emergent ballpark notions
useful at sporting events…
corralling arbitrary vibrations of intentional universes
intentional vibrations of arbitrary universes
arbitrary intentional universes vibrating
the functions of whim and necessity…
diverse membranes forming
unique laws legislating
constant yet cyclical languaging
words that begin without beginning
etymologies grammaring
meaningful and meaningless time
before the beginning and beyond the end…
transitional moments rupturing spatial variations in time…
when the free ends of our open strings
connect elsewhere closing others into loops
we vibrate in all directions…
equidistant from everything…
we’re massless strings of light interacting
energies with other energies stringing
vibrations within each others’ vibration quivering
the one pulsation of:
A lower energy string is lighter than a higher energy string.
The attractor seams the infinite energy of every string.
You are the finite energy of every meaningful string.
We are the energy of this string.
We do strings of energy that are not ex/ist.
What determines us is the pro/jected move/ness of our imaginary strings and the holographic energies associated with Its secreted light.
There is only the one infinite uniqueness: A string of endless resonant shapes morphing into equidistant places.
Seeing the inside from out here
undisturbed by Its mathematical hints
nudging this dream forward
locating the constant backward
seaming variables trailing every word and world
wrapping them up in their curled-up spaces
finding them deep inside our own extending dimensions
intending the way we’re spooning the universe
mistaking Its passing through for dis/appearance.
This twisted mirror symmetry supplies the energy our string embodies.
Our secret Attraction is much heavier and takes more energy than all the energy we have, so it feels infinite.
A universe of spirits and ghosts exists where energy goes beyond the limits of the potential future histories partly composing us, calling us out, that would swirl us down the drain like a…
The world seems seams of strings playing infinite tunes within the uncertain limits beyond the outside noise.
This one dimensional dancing filament vibrates strings of words.
An oscillating language magnetizing
us apparently electrified into knots
or not…